Sunflower Summer

I’ve always loved sunflowers but never grown my own. Hard to believe that here I am in my fifties and this is my first year to add sunflowers in the garden – how did that happen?!! What’s that saying “Better late than never”…

Regardless, I am thoroughly enjoying my sunflower summer🌻🌻🌻

Weekly Photo Challenge: Blur

The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.
–Arnold Toynbee
I have quite a few accidental blurry images that I could share for this week’s challenge. But for fun (or is it work?) I am sharing some springtime zoom blurs. And yes, they are definitely fun. πŸ™‚ Check out more of this week’s blurry interpretations here!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh

Love taking morning Spring walks when everything feels so… fresh!

Here are my submissions for this week’s challenge; please take a few moments to check out more submissions here.